The Oklahoma Limited Liability Company laws are different from most other states and it is vital to know them. Most of the states in the United States have general business owners operating their businesses out of their homes. There are however, some businesses that are more formalized. The limited liability companies in Oklahoma operate under this classification. People can begin forming LLCs in the state by filing an application with the Secretary of State. After this is done, they can go ahead and start building their businesses.

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Filing for an LLC in Oklahoma is a rather simple process. After filling up the forms, the organizers will be notified and the paperwork shall then be sent to the office of the Secretary of State. The filing fee is not required but it is advisable to pay it since the process of starting up an LLC in Oklahoma is quite lengthy and tedious. The paperwork has to be filed along with the prescribed fees and it may take up to four months before you find out anything. Once you have an official listing, you can go ahead and start operating your business.


Forming an LLC in Oklahoma does not end here. The paperwork will continue and you have to submit additional documents like the Articles of Organization, Operating Agreement, Operating Manual, Annual Reports and more. All these documents have to be submitted along with the filing fees and you will have to make sure that everything is submitted on time. After the submission of the required documents, you will have to appoint a Registered Agent and also file his or her information. This is all mandatory and is done by making a request in the court of Oklahoma.

Full Name of the LLC Oklahoma Form LLC-Amending Process


When all these documents are received, the Registered Agent of the LLC shall contact the office of the Secretary of State. In case there is a problem or you want to change the names, you have to make sure that the amended or new information is sent through the mail. The new Registered Agent will then complete the procedures of filing a duly completed Application for Certificates of Registration of Business Name, the Operating Agreement, the Operating Procedures and all the other requirements. The office of the Secretary of State shall send the necessary forms and instructions for further processing.


After the submission and filing of all the documents, the Registered Agent of the LLC will be asked to click the next button and pay the necessary fees and then he or she will file the application with the appropriate state fee. The next step is the sending of the duly completed application to the office of the Secretary of State. The Oklahoma Corporation Commission will ask the Oklahoma Sate to approve the application and the new LLC will then get a registered agent who will be the sole owner of the LLC and can use the LLC's full name as his or her company name.


There are still several other formalities to be completed before the LLC becomes active and it is important for the Oklahoma Sate to review all the documents very carefully. The Operating Agreement should be read thoroughly and if possible the original articles of association should also be obtained. The most important provision of the Operating Agreement is the paragraph on the ownership of the LLC's home address. This provision clearly spells out that the sole and exclusive ownership of the home address by the LLC is reserved and not shared with any other company.


The next step would be for the new registered agent of the LLC to submit his /her payment to the office of the Secretary of State in cash or by check. After that, he /she will have to submit an application for the issuance of the certificate of authority to the Oklahoma Sate. The application will include the name and street address of the registered agent. All these documents should then be submitted to the office of the Secretary of State. On receiving the application, the Secretary will issue the annual certificate of authority of the LLC.


One more important requirement if you prefer for your LLC to be automatically shut down when it fails to file its annual report is that the LLC must sign a full and final authorization form. This form is called the "Amendment to the Operating Agreement of the LLC." This form tells the state that after the close of business for the year it will permanently cease to exist and all its business operations will be terminated. It also tells the state that the LLC has fully paid the Liability and Remaining Funds it owed to all its prior owners and that all its debts are satisfied.

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